Abusing the vernacular 58 words at a time

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snapping Synapse

I'm fortunate; without the ability to choose how to remember, I can memorize an entire thunderstorm. Bolt for bolt. Against my will. I'll remember how many steps from my front door to yours, long after I have forgotten how to spell your last name or the smell of your apartment. I only remember the easy parts. Lucky me.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hit The Coast As Hard As You Can.

The way it’s snowing right now, I feel like I brought it with me. People here said "No, it never snows here. It might rain all winter long, but it'll barely ever snow.”

Well, it’s snowed for three days now. Three fucking days. It came through the crack in my window and it felt like pins and needles.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"I don't know about that, I only know that I didn't put it there."

Who thought that the simple job description of building maintenance worker would encompass such tasks as cleaning human feces out of an elevator or scraping three-day old dried Kraft Dinner© brand cheese sauce (sans noodles) from a fire escape stairwell? Did I mention that these things were found in multi-million dollar condos? Did I mention the feces? Yeah.

Too many people